The Honeymoon - Kauai

Waimea Canyon

On our second full day in Kauai, while getting ready in the morning, we learned of the tragic events that had occured in New York and Washington DC. The East Coast was six hours ahead of us so everything had unfolded by the time we found out. Instead of staying glued to the television, we thought it best to go out, continue our day as planned and try to relax as best as possible. Although we did keep tabs on the news during our excursion.

We drove almost completely around the island to get to Waimea Canyon. This canyon was dubbed by Mark Twain as "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific". That claim is very much true as it looks as impressive as the North American canyon, only a bit greener. Unlike erosion to the other canyon, Waimea was created by a huge earthquake a long time ago. We drove further along the road up to 4,000 feet at Kokee State Park. The conditions had changed considerably from the hot canyon. It was chilly and clouds were drifting through the area. As a result there was not much of a view, but it was still nice to visit.

Jamie and Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon

Us a Kokee State Park

Helicopter Tour <- Kauai Adventures -> Poipu Beach
Wedding -> Honeymoon -> Kauai

September 11, 2001