
I've hiked all around Rainier over the years, but somehow I missed the Summerland trail which is one of the most popular in the park. Matt and I hoped that we would get a good chance of nice weather if we hiked the trail at the end of July, we were wrong.

The hike up to the normally scenic alpine meadows was accompanied by fog and light rain. It actually was refreshing as I was hauling Rachel along for the hike. The trail climbed gradually through the forest along Fryingpan Creek. The creek seemed more like a river as there were lots of noisy waterfalls along the way.

At three miles we crossed the creek over a makeshift bridge. It seemed sturdy, but the rushing water underneath made for a nervous crossing. After the bridge we hiked another mile through meadows and a short set of switchbacks to reach Summerland, or was it Winterland? Fog covered the area so the spectacular view of Rainier was nowhere to be found. Also further along a snow pack covered the continuing trail. Luckily the wild flowers were out to help remind us what season it was.

We were still happy to do the hike, it's a beautiful place even without the mountain view. Rachel didn't seem to mind either as she happily sang her hiking songs both up and down the trail. She got a little cold in the snow and also got in trouble for walking on the fragile meadow, but all and all she did good.

Fryingpan Creek
Fryingpan Creek

Crossing the Bridge of Doom
Crossing the Bridge of Doom

Raging Creek
Raging Creek

Is this Summerland?
Is this Summerland?

Seriously, is this Summerland?
Seriously, is this Summerland?

What part of 'Stay off the Meadow' don't you understand?
What part of 'Stay off the Meadow' don't you understand?

Breaking the rules to get the rule breaker
Breaking the rules to get the rule breaker

Taking Shelter with Matt
Taking Shelter with Matt

Hiking Back in the Rain
Hiking Back in the Rain

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July 27, 2008