Europe Trip 2003

Paris - City Stroll

City Sights | City Stroll | Notre Dame | Eiffel Tower | Museums | Versailles

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In addition to the major Parisian sights, we did some special things a little bit off the touristy path. We took time to stroll through the lovely gardens full of spring blossoms. The weather was beautiful and unseasonably warm making our visits to the gardens and our walks through the city even more enjoyable. We experienced random acts of art. The creepiest and most humbling part had to be our tour of the catacombs just south of the Luxembourg Gardens. Below the city streets lie miles of tunnels filled with the bones of seven million Parisians who lived and died more than two centuries ago. Though a bit creepy, the catacombs add to the whole unique experience of Paris.

Next to the Seine on Easter Sunday. It was early and there was no one on the streets

Jardin Du Luxembourg

Picnic at Jardin Du Luxembourg

The beauty of spring in the Louvre Gardens

The Creepy Catacombs

The Crazy French

Our Metro Stop

Rain in Paris

Paris - City Sights Europe Trip Paris - Notre Dame

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April 16-20, 2003