At the end of August I went to New Jersey on a business trip. While I was there,
I was able to sneak off to New York for few days and see two good friends, Kyle and Audra, who had
recently moved there. I had never been to New York so there was lots for me to see.
I first met up with Kyle and we walked all over Manhattan. The following photos
are of the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge and the World Trade Center.
Empire State Building
Brooklyn Bridge
Kyle and World Trade Center
For a small fortune I took an elevator up to the 110th floor of one of the World Trade Center buildings.
From there I got a rather impressive view of the city. The first photo
is looking north up to Mid- and Uptown-Manhattan. The second photo is looking southeast to
the bridges that head into Brooklyn.
The next day we met up with Audra who was busy with her new job at the AP. At the end of the night
we posed for a photo at a subway station on the way home.
Audra at work
at the subway
I spent my last day with Audra in Manhattan. We rode the Staten Island Ferry and were
treated to a wonderful view of the city.