The Honeymoon - Maui

The Road to Hana

On our first full day in Maui we drove to the small town of Hana on the east side of the island. The town itself is not that interesting, but the 52 mile drive to get there was. The road winds along Maui's northeastern shore and is considered the most scenic drive in the country. The road curves around the island with a lush jungle on one side and views of shore from far above on the other. There were many stops along the way for us to explore waterfalls, pools, caves, trails and other areas of interest. Due to the many tight curves and the more than 50 one-lane bridges, it took us more than four hours to get to Hana, and that was just one way!

Once we reached Hana we continued along the road on the southeastern side of Maui. Here we came upon the Oheo Gulch with an area caled the Seven Sacred Pools. There were actually more than seven pools, but I couldn't tell which ones were sacred. There were tourists swimming in all of them. A little further past the Gulch we came across a small church where we found Charles Lindbergh's grave. Jamie, having attended Lindbergh High School, thought it particularly cool to stop and pay respects.

We continued to drive and the road soon got very narrow and rough. We got to a point where we couldn't drive our rental car. We actually could go further, but the road was rough and the car rental company forbid us to drive it. This left us with driving all the way back as our only option. The drive over was incredible, but the drive back was very annoying as we had to slowly backtrack through the hundreds of curves. Still, we highly recomend taking the drive.

Near mile marker 7. Notice how the road curves from both sides of picture.

bamboo forest near mile marker 7

on trail near mile marker 11

Honomanu Bay

me in pool at State Wayside Park

pool near mile marker 20

Jamie at Old Nahiku Lookout

At Oheo Gulch

Seven Sacred Pools at Oheo Gulch

waterfall seen from road on the way back

View Photos from the Haleakala Sunrise
Wedding -> Honeymoon -> Maui

September 15, 2001