Penny Arcade Expo

Over the past few years I've wanted to attend the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX Prime 2013), but never could get passes as they sold out quickly. This year I was able to aquire two passes for Rachel and myself. The expo contains all things related to video and board games including demos for upcoming games, competitions, panels, game free play and even concerts. We couldn't do it all in one day so we focused on playing the new games. Later in the year both Microsoft and Sony were releasing new consoles so we got to try out some unreleased games for them. We also played games for the existing system and even some classic arcade and console games. Rachel's favorite part was playing her 3DS. It would link up to other people's handholds and add them as friends to her's. That day she acquired over a hundred new friends or Miis as Nintendo calls them. Hopefully we can return next year. I'd like to check out the board games and panels and take more time to just sit down and play the classic systems.

In a Handheld Lounge
In a Handheld Lounge

Super Mario Brothers on the Atari 2600
Super Mario Brothers on the Atari 2600

Original Pac Man
Original Pac Man

Console Free Play
Console Free Play

Upcoming XBox One Game
Upcoming XBox One Game


PC Competition
PC Competition

Telltale Games Booth (for The Wolf Among Us)
Telltale Games Booth (for The Wolf Among Us)

Main Hall
Main Hall

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September 1, 2013