Greenwater Lakes Hike

On Father's Day the family hiked the Greenwater Lakes trail off of State Route 410. Long ago when I was a child my family hiked there, but it was known as Meeker Lake then and I recalled little of it.

The two mile trail followed Greenwater river to the lakes and was mostly flat which was good for the kids. Rachel hiked the whole way on her own, Lily hiked most of the way and Vivian was carried most of the time. Once at the lakes we couldn't get a good view as we declined to cross a bridge of questionable safety (for kids) to get to the shoreline. We stopped at the river for the kids to throw some rock, but unfortunately Lily accidentally hit Rachel with one which abbreviated our break. Soon everyone was well again and we headed back to the car. Overall this was a good hike for kids, but there was little to see besides the forest and river.


Hiking Sisters
Hiking Sisters

First Bridge Crossing
First Bridge Crossing

Lily Sherpa
Lily Sherpa

Bridge Near Lakes
Bridge Near Lakes


Off Greenwater Lake
Off Greenwater Lake

Greenwater River
Greenwater River

Chat Break
Chat Break

Walking the Final Part on Her Own
Walking the Final Part on Her Own

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June 16, 2013