2004 Road Trip

Yellowstone National Park - Day 2

Trip Map

The next day we woke to a cold and foggy morning in Yellowstone. We checkout out Fountain and Artist paint pots, which are hot bubbling pools of mud. They were interesting, but difficult to capture with a camera. We next headed north to Mammoth Hot Springs. This area was a hill covered with white steaming hot springs. They were stinky and ugly, but interesting nonetheless. We had seen little wildlife on our trip so we headed east towards Tower Falls with hopes of doing so. We fortunately came across a small herd of bison near the road. Jamie got in some pictures, but was concerned on how the MINI would hold up against the large beasts. After Tower Falls, we headed back to Mammoth and then north to exit the park. With its burned out trees, ugly geysers and few mountains we found Yellowstone to be not that exciting nature wise. The park's geology was much more interesting. Yellowstone more as a volcano park than a nature preserve.

Cold Morning at Fountain Paint Pot

Gibbon River

Roaring Mountain

Mammoth Hot Springs

Canary Spring



Tower Falls

Yellowstone - Day 1 Road Trip Montana

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September 228, 2004