Europe Trip 2003

Paris - Eiffel Tower

City Sights | City Stroll | Notre Dame | Eiffel Tower | Museums | Versailles

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Though we could see this symbol of Paris throughout our trip, we didn't get up close until our third evening in Paris. After a walk around the base of the tower, we decided to grab a bite at a little sidewalk cafe nearby hoping the crowds might die down a bit. Three hours and a bottle of wine later we were done with dinner and it was dark. The Eiffel Tower was very beautiful with hundreds of lights illuminating it against the backdrop of the night sky. The top floor was still overcrowded so we were only able to make it up to the second level. Even so, we were still able to get great views of the city at night. We were back down to the base by 11:00 p.m. and walked through the nearby Champ de Mars to reach a Metro stop. We were surprised to find hundreds of people in the park just hanging out and playing games. It was amazing to see so many people out so late at night on a Thursday just relaxing and having fun. We're not sure if this was normal, if it was because of the warm spring night, or that the next day was Good Friday, a national holiday in France. In any case, it was fun see so many people out just having a good time.

At Parc Du Champ de Mars

Eiffel Tower at Night

Eiffel Tower at Night

View from Sacre Coeur

View from bell tower of Notre Dame

Paris - Notre Dame Europe Trip Paris - Museums

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April 16-20, 2003