Selling the House - Painting

In the beginning of 2002, Jamie and I decided it was time to find a new house. In order to buy a new home, we had to get our current house in shape to sell. We had to clean up the yard, clean the carpet, move out clutter and, worst of all, we had to paint the interior. It took us several weekends to complete the painting and it resulted in a lot of frustration for the both of us. Nothing is more irritating that spending all day painting a room only to discover streaks the next day. The living room, with its 16 foot ceilings, was no fun to paint. Eventually we finished the job. The painting was nowhere close to professional but it was an adequate enough of a job to sell the house.

Painting the Kitchen Michaelangelo style

Painting the Entrance Archway

Jamie at Safer Heights

The house was a disaster area for a few weeks

Captain + Paint = Trouble

Selling the House -> Interior

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January-May 2002