Snow Cave Trip

For the final field trip of my snowshoeing class I had to build and spend the night in a snow cave. The class went to Stevens Pass and we hiked for a mile and began digging our caves. I worked with two other classmates, Paul and Tom, to build our cave. The cave took about three hours for us to dig out.

When we completed our cave, we spent the rest of night cooking dinner and exploring the other students' caves. Though our cave was smaller than most it ended up being one of the better constructed caves.

Though the cave provided excellent shelter I still got very cold since I partially slipped off my mat onto the icy floor while I was sleeping. The cave was fun to build, but I still prefer at tent over snow for shelter.

starting the cave

Tom at the entrance

me at the back of the cave

Bill and Tom at the front of the cave

me at the entrance

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February 5-6 2000